Why choose MP-SPR for live cell studies?

BioNavis’ Multi-Parametric Surface Plasmon Resonance (MP-SPR) instruments provide a good non-labelled alternative method for live cell-based assays. Uniquely, MP-SPR instruments measure the complete SPR curve with embedded Total Internal Reflection (TIR) angle, TIR intensity, Peak Minimum Intensity (PMI), and Peak Angular Position (PAP) parameters.

In the article by Suutari et al. (2020), PMI and PAP parameters are cross-correlated to reveal unique profiles of G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) stimulation, which then allows separation of GPCRs receptor type without using response modulating agents. GPCRs are a family of transmembrane proteins which are involved in many physiological and pathological processes. The possibility to measure GPCR interaction in a whole cell environment opens new opportunities for drug discovery.

Compared to traditional SPR instruments, MP-SPR’s superior features, such as its optical configuration and robust fluidics, make the instrument ideal for studying live cells. MP-SPR is also the only widely available instrument that can measure the crucial TIR, PMI and PAP parameters.


MP-SPR is able to take label-free and real-time measurements of live cells in physiologically relevant conditions

Measuring without labels ensures that the measured molecule’s functions are not going to change and there is no risk of the label detaching (Booth et al. 2018 and Wei et al. 2015).

With an MP-SPR instrument, you can also precisely control the temperature and flow rate. These qualities, together with the sample fluid moving inside the MP-SPR instrument, create an environment closer to physiologically relevant conditions, and therefore they mimic the cell’s natural environment.

Measure live cells with MP-SPR in two different ways

Study absorption routes, drug delivery, etc. by growing cells ex situ on sensor surfaces. With our easy sensor slide holder, cells can be grown using standard cell culture protocols (Application Note #156, #170 and #137).

Another way to measure live cells is to inject them over the sensor surfaces. This method works especially well for studying binding or adhesion, like the kinetic profile of cell attachment to a coating or surface specificity (Application Note #167 and #154).

Read more about cell measurements with MP-SPR or download one of our Application Notes: 

  • AN#167 In-situ capture of T-cells and analysis of membrane receptor affinity with biofunctionalized lipid sensor
  • AN#156 Nanoparticle uptake by cells measured using MP-SPR
  • AN#170 Profiling of G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) stimulation by small compounds in live cells
  • AN#154 Real-time cancer cell detection and cell adhesion on implant materials surface
  • AN#137 Small molecules adsorption route

MP-SPR peer-reviewed publications:  

Other references:

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