Real-time cancer cell detection and cell adhesion on implant materials surface
Application Note #154

Implants are covered with proteins and cells when introduced into the body. To understand interactions on these interfaces, in vitro tools are utilized. Real-time label-free platforms allowing dynamic and static flow-conditions are exploited to understand cell adhesion and in this way improve compatibility of implants. The same features are advantageous also for biosensor development based on cell detection. Cells can also be used as an analyte in a clinical biosensor (for cancer) study.
Attachment of human mesenchymal stem cells (AD-MSC) and lysozyme protein on a few tens of micrometers thick hydroxyapatite (HA), coated by plasma spraying, was measured by Multi-Parametric Surface Plasmon Resonance (MP-SPR). Hydroxyapatite is a component present in tooth and bone and in its synthetic form it is widely used in orthopedic prosthesis to enhance implant osseointegration (connection to a living bone). The results of MP-SPR measurements showed that cells favor binding on HA coating as opposed to gold.
In a separate experiment, a biosensor was developed to detect tumor cells. Binding of breast cancer cells (MCF7) and non-cancerous cells (MCF-10A) to a surface bound targeting peptide (18-4) and a reference peptide were measured. The biosensor surface was able to distinguish cancer cells from normal cells.