Polymer characterization using MP-SPR – Adsorption studies and layer thickness
Application Note #149

Schematic view of the adsorption of block copolymers onto nanocellulose surfaces and of serum components onto the poly(ethylene glycol) polymer brushes, as studied using MP-SPR.
Polymers are extensively studied and often interactions play a key role in the product functionality. Two separate polymer interaction studies were conducted using label-free real-time Multi-Parametric Surface Plasmon Resonance (MP-SPR). Functionalization of nanocellulose surfaces was performed by adsorption of block copolymers. The efficacy of anti-fouling of the PEG-based polymer brushes was quantified by measuring adsorption of serum samples. Based on the MP-SPR measurements, polymers were further characterized in terms of thickness and adsorbed mass. Nanocellulose functionalization was confirmed to be successful and -OH terminated 10 kDa PEG was found to be the best anti-fouling coating, producing 99% resistance.