Self-Defensive Biomaterial Coating Against Bacteria and Yeasts: Polysaccharide Multilayer Film with Embedded Antimicrobial Peptide
Prevention of pathogen colonization of medical implants is a major medicaland fi nancial issue since infection by microorganisms constitutes one of themost serious complications after surgery or critical care. Immobilization ofantimicrobial molecules on biomaterials surfaces is an effi cient approachto prevent biofi lm formation. Herein, the fi rst self-defensive coating againstboth bacteria and yeasts is reported where the release of the antimicrobialpeptide is triggered by enzymatic degradation of the fi lm due to the pathogensthemselves. Biocompatible and biodegradable polysaccharide multilayerfi lms based on functionalized hyaluronic acid by cateslytin (CTL), an endogenoushost-defensive antimicrobial peptide, and chitosan (HA-CTL-C/CHI)were deposited on a planar surface with the aim of designing both antibacterialand antifungal coating. After 24 h of incubation, HA-CTL-C/CHI fi lms fullyinhibit the development of Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus bacteria andCandida albicans yeasts, which are common and virulent pathogens agentsencountered in care-associated diseases. Hyaluronidase, secreted by thepathogens, leads to the fi lm degradation and the antimicrobial action of thepeptide. Furthermore, the limited fi broblasts adhesion, without cytotoxicity,on HA-CTL-C/CHI fi lms highlights a medically relevant application to preventinfections on catheters or tracheal tubes where fi brous tissue encapsulationis undesirable.
Dr. G. Cado, L. Séon, Dr. T. Garnier, Dr. A. Parat,Dr. Y. Frère, Dr. L. Jierry, Prof. P. Schaaf, Dr. F. Boulmedais
– Centre National de la Recherche Scientifi queInstitut Charles Sadron, France
R. Aslam, Dr. R. Fabre, A. Chassepot, Dr. J.-C. Voegel,Dr. B. Senger, Prof. P. Schaaf, Dr M.-H. Metz-Boutigue
– Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale INSERM, FranceUniversité de Strasbourg, France
Prof. F. Schneider
– Service de Réanimation Médicale Hôpital de Hautepierre Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg, France
Dr. H. Kerdjoudj
– Université de Reims Champagne Ardenne, France
Dr. L. Jierry, Prof. P. Schaaf
– Université de Strasbourg, Ecole Européenne de Chimie Polymères et Matériaux, France
Dr. L. Jierry, Prof. P. Schaaf, Dr. F. Boulmedais
– International Center for Frontier Research in Chemistry, France
Prof. P. Schaaf
– Institut Universitaire de France, France