Photo-Electroactive Organic Nanosystems

Project was focused on testing photo-electroactive molecules for solar and sensor technologies. Phthatalyanines, porphyrins and other organic molecules where characterized with Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR), Atomic Force Microscope (AFM), and X-ray crystallography. Several synthesis and self-assembling of functional molecules on glass, quartz, sapphire, ITO, ZnO and gold where made. ZnO and AZO ( ZnO doped with Al) electrodes where used to increase the durability of the organic solar cells. A away developed for ZnO layers that it can be deposited safely on top of organic monomolecular layers. Gaseous ammonia where detected by SPR, SAW and by conductivity measurements. Detective layer in all three options was Copper Porphyrin.

Authors: V. Chukharev, N. Tkatchenko, J. Lekkala

Department of Chemistry and Bioengineering and Department of Automation Science and Engineering,Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow

Published in: Poster: Department of Chemistry and Bioengineering and Department of Automation Science and Engineering,Tampere University of Technology, Finland; Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow


AFM gaseous ammonia photo-electroactive molecules phthatalyanines porphyrins sensor technology solar technology X-ray crystallography


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