Mechanism of lysozyme adsorption onto gold surface determined by quartz crystal microbalance and surface plasmon resonance

In this study, the physicochemical characterization of lysozyme adsorbed on gold was investigated. Through the use of MP-SPR it was possible to establish that the orientation of molecules changes from side-on to between or end-on with increasing surface coverage. The data confirms that the process of adsorption is driven primarily by electrostatic interactions but also by hydrophobic forces. MP-SPR data was compared with the Random Sequential Adsorption model for a molecule with an ellipsoidal shape. Contact angle measurements showed that higher surface coverage also translates in more hydrophilic properties of obtained lysozyme layer. Comparison of CD and PM-IRRAS spectra in solution and adsorbed state respectively showed changes in the secondary structures of lysozyme. These changes are dependent on pH, but fundamentally they go in the direction of the increase of β-turn/random content with a simultaneous decrease in β-sheet fraction, which suggests that aggregation is not occurring. The combination of MP-SPR and QCM-D measurements allowed the estimation of the number of water molecules associated with the lysozymes films. It has been observed that hydration decreases from 70% in pH = 4 to 30% in pH = 11. This data indicates that hydration is driven mainly by the degree of protonation of lysozyme molecules.

Publication year: 2020
Authors: Komorek P., Wałek M., Jachimska B.

Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences, Niezapominajek 8, 30-239 Cracow, Poland

Published in: Bioelectrochemistry, 2020, Vol. 135, p. 107582
DOI: 10.1016/j.bioelechem.2020.107582


conformation changes gold surface lysozome adsorption protein orientation refractive index thickness


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